Secondary Chemistry Notes
Get Chemistry of the Science belonging to Secondary.
School | Secondary |
Academic Department | Science |
Subject | Chemistry |
Notes are categorised into klasses.
Form 1 Chemistry Strands/Topics Overview
- 1.0.0 Introduction to Chemistry
2.0.0 Simple Classification of Substances
- 2.1.0 Mixtures 2
- 2.10.0 Effect of Heat on Substances
- 2.11.0 The Kinetic Theory of Matter
- 2.12.0 Effect of impurities on Melting and Boiling Points
- 2.13.0 Temporary and Permanent Changes
- 2.14.0 Constituents of Matter
- 2.15.0 Chemicals Symbols
- 2.16.0 Chemical Equations
- 2.2.0 Separation of Solid-Solid Mixtures
- 2.3.0 Solid-Liquid Mixtures
- 2.4.0 Separation of Insoluble Solid-Liquid Mixtures
- 2.5.0 Separation of Soluble of Solid-Liquid Mixtures
- 2.6.0 Liquid-Liquid Mixtures
- 2.7.0 Separation of Immiscible Liquids
- 2.8.0 Separation of Miscible Liquids
- 2.9.0 Separation of Coloured Substances
3.0.0 Acids, Bases and Indicators
- 3.1.0 Simple Acid Base Indicators
- 3.2.0 Commercial Indicators
- 3.3.0 Universal Indicators and the pH Scale
- 3.4.0 Properties of Acids
- 3.5.0 Reaction of Acids with Carbonates and Hydrogen Carbonates
- 3.6.0 Reactions of Acids with Bases
- 3.7.0 Effects of Acids on Substances
- 3.8.0 Applications of Acids and Bases
- 4.0.0 Air and Combustion
- 5.0.0 Water and Hydrogen
Form 2 Chemistry Strands/Topics Overview
- 1.0.0 Structure of the Atom and the Periodic Table
2.0.0 Chemical Families: Patterns in Properties
- 2.1.0 The Alkali Metals
- 2.10.0 Noble Gases
- 2.11.0 Properties and Trends across a Period
- 2.12.0 Trends in Physical Properties of Elements in Period 3
- 2.13.0 Trends in Chemical Properties of Elements in Period 3
- 2.2.0 Physical Properties of Alkali Metals
- 2.3.0 Chemical Properties of Alkali Metals
- 2.4.0 Alkaline Earth Metals
- 2.5.0 Physical Properties of Alkaline Metals Earth Metals
- 2.6.0 Chemical Properties of Alkaline Earth Metals
- 2.7.0 Halogens
- 2.8.0 Physical Properties of Halogens
- 2.9.0 Chemical Properties of Halogens
- 3.0.0 Structure and Bonding
- 4.0.0 Salts
- 5.0.0 Effects of an Electric Current on Substances
6.0.0 Carbon and some of its Compounds
- 6.1.0 Allotropes of Carbon
- 6.2.0 Chemical Properties of Carbon
- 6.3.0 Carbon (IV) oxide
- 6.4.0 Uses of Carbon (IV) Oxide
- 6.5.0 Carbon (II) Oxide
- 6.6.0 Carbonates
- 6.7.0 Large Scale Production of Sodium Carbonate and Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate
- 6.8.0 Effects of Carbon (IV) Oxide and Carbon (II) Oxide on the Environment
- 6.9.0 The Carbon Cycle
Form 3 Chemistry Strands/Topics Overview
Form 4 Chemistry Strands/Topics Overview
- 1.0.0 Organic Chemistry 2
- 2.0.0 Acids, Bases and Salts
- 3.0.0 Energy Changes in Chemical and Physical Process (Thermochemistry)
- 4.0.0 Reaction Rates and Reversible Reactions
- 5.0.0 Elecrochemistry
- 6.0.0 Metals: Extraction Properties and Uses
7.0.0 Radioactivity
- 7.1.0 Introduction to Radioactivity
- 7.2.0 Types of Radiation from Radioactive Elements
- 7.3.0 Radioactive Decay Curve
- 7.4.0 Radioactive Disintegration Equations
- 7.5.0 Application of Radioactivity/Using Radioactive Isotopes
- 7.6.0 Hazards of Radioactive Isotopes
- 7.7.0 Precautions to Radioactive Material