2011 KCSE Biology Paper 2

Past Paper Info

  • Source: KCSE Past Paper 2011
  • Education Level: Secondary
  • Subject: Biology
  • Paper: Paper 2
  • Score: 80 Marks
  • Assessment: Full Paper
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The set-up below illustrated a procedure that was carried out in the laboratory with a leaf plucked from a green plant that had been growing in sunlight.

nutrition-in-plants-and-animals-88985 Diagram

(a) What was the purpose of the above procedure? [1 Mark]


Name the reagent that was used at the step labelled D.
[1 Mark]


Give reasons for carrying out steps A, B and C in this procedure.
[3 Marks]


State the expected result on the leaf after adding the reagent name in (iii) above.
[1 Mark]


In Humans, hairy ears is controlled by a gene on the Y Chromosome.

(a) Using the letter YH to represent the chromosome carrying the gene for hairy ears, work out a cross between a hairy eared man and his wife. [4 Marks]


(i) What is the probability of the girls having hairy ears? [1 Mark]

(ii) Give a reason for your answer in b(i) above. [1 Mark]


Name two disorders in humans that are determined by sex-linked genes.
[2 Marks]


Explain the comparative embryology is an evidence for organic evolution.
[2 Marks]


(a) Name the causative agents for the following respiratory diseases. [1 Mark]

(ii) Pneumonia. [1 Mark]


Describe how oxygen in the alveolus reaches the red blood cells.
[4 Marks]


How are the pneumatophores adapted to their function?
[2 Marks]


The diagram below represents a section of the human brain.

reception-response-and-co-ordination-in-plants-and-animals-91067 Diagram

(a) Name the structures labelled P and R. [2 Marks]

(ii) State two functions of the part labelled Q. [2 Marks]


(i) Name two reproductive hormones secreted by the pituitary gland in women. [2 Marks]

(ii) State one function of each of the hormones named in (b)(i) above. [1 Mark]


The diagram below represents a flower

reproduction-in-plants-and-animals-90432 Diagram

(a) On the diagram, name two structures where meiosis occurs. [2 Marks]

(ii) How is the flower adapted to prevent self-pollination? [2 Marks]


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